Want to be part of our free rewards and loyalty scheme? Earn points which earn you £5 to £10 worth of vouchers? Then sign up to our rewards scheme, its free and easy to do, you just need your email and a password.

Here you will find all the important questions that you may have and some useful answers too.

If you already have an account for us you will be automatically enrolled you just need to sign in to your account to access the information. Then all you have to do is see your points go up as you visit and purchase with us. This rewards and loyalty scheme is our way of saying thanks and showing you how much you mean to us.

Currently you will receive points for visiting our website and making a purchase and the points can then be gathered to put towards a £5 voucher or a £10 voucher. See details below:


How to earn points:

  • Create an account -250 points
We reward with a generous 250 points for creating an account with us which will enable you to see your orders, purchase history and for quick reordering!
  • Make a purchase - 5 points per £1
We reward for even the smallest of purchases; each purchase shows you are a loyal customer regardless of how much you spend with us.
  • Visit our website - 25 points

Rewards to aim for:

  • 500 points - £5 voucher
  • 1,000 points -£10 voucher


Point balance

Your point balance is on every page on the bottom left hand side.


This is our way of showing our appreciation. You will earn points for activities on our site, like visits and purchases. You can use them to earn discounts off purchases, so the more you collect the more you save.

Anyone with an account is automatically enrolled.

You can earn points for all sorts of activities, including signing up, visiting the website and making purchases. To see all the ways, you can earn points click the Earn Points tab in the menu.

Your point balance is on every page in the bottom left hand side.

Select the tab called Redeem Points. Here you will see all the rewards we offer. If you have enough points, you can redeem them for a reward.

No. Go ahead and earn as many as you can!

Approved: These points can be redeemed on rewards immediately

Pending: These points need to be verified before you can redeem them. This typically applies to purchases and referrals

Cancelled: These points will not be added to your account. For example, this will happen if you cancel a purchase (the points will change from pending to cancelled)

What happens if a friend I refer cancels or returns their order?

You, or someone you referred, cancelled, or returned a purchase.

It can sometimes take a few minutes for us to process your activity and provide your points.

Not directly - please redeem your points for a voucher which can then be applied during checkout.

If you no longer wish to earn points, please contact us and ask to be unenrolled. We will unenroll you and you will lose any points you have accrued.

Just contact us and we will re-enrol you. However, your point total will begin from zero.

Please use our normal contact details.